Sabtu, 25 Maret 2017

17th Asian Conference on Clinical Pharmacy

*Abstract Submission Deadline March 31, 2017*
Register now to join the 17th Asian Conference on Clinical Pharmacy in Tentrem Ballroom Hotel, Yogyakarta, Indonesia on July 27 – 31, 2017 with theme: _“Unity in Diversity and the Standardisation of Clinical Pharmacy Services”_.
The abstract submission deadline is *Friday March 31, 2017* >> Secure your place and register online here >> **
The conference invites contributions on the following topics: Clinical Pharmacy, Social and Administrative Pharmacy, Pharmacy Education, Pharmacoeconomics, Pharmacoepidemiology, Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM), and other topics in pharmacy.
Selected full papers will be published in the 17thACCP Proceeding 2017 by *CRC Press/Balkema*, *Taylor and Francis Group*. The proceeding will be submitted to the index service institutions: Clarivate Analytics (formerly Thomson Reuters / ISI Web of Knowledge) and Elsevier (EI/SciVerse Scopus) for evaluation to be indexed for citation purposes.
Prof. Nila Djuwita Farid Moeloek – in confirmation
Prof. Joseph T. DiPiro
Prof. Lilian M. Azzopardi
Prof. Charles F. Lacy
March 31, 2017: Abstract Submission CLOSE
April 10, 2017: Early Bird Registration CLOSE
April 07, 2017: Notification of Abstract Acceptance (ORAL/POSTER Presentation)
April 21, 2017: Full Paper Submission CLOSE
1) Pre-Conference Workshops (July 27, 2017)
2) Conference (July 28-30, 2017)
3) Campus and Hospital Visit (July 31, 2017)
Please visit our website for further information :
We look forward to welcoming you to Yogyakarta!

Best regards,
The 17th ACCP Organizing Committee

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